#Readathon: Master Post

April 25, 2015

Happy #Readathon, bookworms!

This is where I'll shove all my #Readathon-related statistics, surveys, mini-challenges and more today. If you're not interested, feel free to ignore this until the #Readathon madness is over (which I don't even want to think about—does it have to end?!).

I'm not sure how often this post will end up being updated. As a reader, cheerleader, and Goodreads group moderator, I'm absolutely flying by the seat of my pants today.

OK, down to business!

Master Statistics

Total books read: 2.5
Total pages read: 550

Memes, Challenges & More

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Chilly-but-slowly-warming-up New England.
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? There are so many to choose from, but I think I'm especially excited to dive into either of the graphic novels I picked up yesterday. I got The Complete Persepolis and The Complete Maus.
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? Homemade fudge popsicles. 'Nuff said.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! Here's a link to way more than you ever hoped to learn about me! 
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? Last year, I made a giant stack full of chunksters. Huge mistake. This time, I've got a varied selection of shorter books and short story collections. Additionally, I'm hoping to improve my reading-to-cheering ratio this year. I adored cheering, but I need to remember to step away from the computer and get back to my books!

Hour 3.5 — Book #1 Complete!

This was a teeny-tiny collection of short stories about Arvid, a boy coming of age in Norway. Family dysfunction galore! I would say 3.5 to 4 stars.

Hour 7 — Readathon Goes Outside!

The weather was too pretty not to get outside after brunch and coffee. Those are cherry blossoms in the distance!

Hour 9.5-10.5 — Unexpected Readathon Nap

I definitely set an alarm for 20 minutes... and then promptly turned it off. Oh, and right after that, I made a doofus of myself in the Goodreads group. Clearly my finest Readathon hour!

Hour 12 — Mid-Event Survey

1. What are you reading right now? Right now I'm switching between The Complete Persepolis and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society!
2. How many books have you read so far? Just one—Ashes in My Mouth, Sand in My Shoes—but I have high hopes for the second half.
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? I'm not sure I'll end up starting more than what I've already begun, but I really would love to finish those up!
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? No interruptions except those of my own making, which is better than last October—I had to work on Readathon Day! Taking an hour-long nap did put a damper on my reading... tough to do with your eyes shut.
5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? I had grand plans of getting way more reading done this time than I did last, and the Readathon gods are laughing at me! I think I might just be a slow reader.

Hour 13 — #FitReaders Mini-Challenge

Felicia at The Geek Blogger's Book Blog challenged Readathon participants to get up and move between Hours 13 and 17. I was starting to feel pretty sluggish, so I hopped on our elliptical for 25 minutes with The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

I feel so much better after getting my blood pumping, and I actually think my pages-per-minute rate was the best it's been all day!

EDIT: I won this one! Wahoo!

Hour 14 — Bookish Brews Mini-Challenge

Amanda at Fig and Thistle challenged us to post a picture of our current beverages and reads on our platform of choice. I posted about my delicious Foxon Park ginger ale on Twitter!

Hour 16 — Reading Story Mini-Challenge

The lovely blogger over at Fight Evil, Read Books challenged us to post our Dewey's Readathon story in six words. I tweeted some snark.

Hour 19 — Book #2 Complete!

I finally got a second book read! This one was an epistolary novel about a group of British friends who formed a literary society to weather the atrocities of World War II. Juliet Ashton, an author and columnist, gets in contact with them and soon becomes enamored of the charming, unlikely gaggle.

I really enjoyed this one at first—nothing better than epistolary for a quick-moving story!—but some of the characterization and the ending fell flat for me. This one is only about a 3 or 3.5-star read.

Hour 19.5-23.5 — Zzzzzz...

I think I stayed up for between 20 and 22 hours of the last Readathon, and I felt like such a traitor when I passed out at 2:30 AM. I have to be at work three hours early on Monday, so I forgave myself. Oh, and I met this goal, so it's all good!

Hour 23.5 — Back to Work on Book #3!

A graphic novel memoir of growing up in late twentieth-century Iran. This is GOOD, y'all.

Hour 24 — ALL DONE! Closing Survey

  • Which hour was most daunting for you? I would say Hour 19, when I really started to get sleepy.
  • Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? Definitely go short! I don't have any specific books in mind, but keep them compact. I would honestly say under 250 pages is key.
  • Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? Not that I can think of! It was just as fun a romp as last October's. :)
  • What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon? All the Twitter interaction! I didn't have a Twitter account last go around, and it worked wonders to keep me motivated and interactive.
  • How many books did you read? 2.5
  • What were the names of the books you read? See above! Read as: I'm too lazy to type it out and put links in again.
  • Which book did you enjoy most? The Complete Persepolis, though I didn't end up finishing it.
  • Which did you enjoy least? The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I enjoyed it a lot for 3/4 of the book, but toward the end I felt like some of the characters were a bit clichéd/not variable enough, and the ending was rushed and also too clichéd. Cute, but not great.
  • If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders? I was! *\o/* It was just as challenging to balance between cheering/interacting and reading this go-around as it was my first time doing the Readathon, so I would say just know what you're getting yourself into! You definitely won't get as much reading done as a cheerleader, but, honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Engaging with other readers is the best part of the experience for me!
  • How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?

    Read and cheer 'til I die!

    Want more of my Readathon updates?

    Here's my Twitter feed! Get all the live-streamed goodness you can stand.

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    1. I have Persepolis on my stack too! (But just the first part.) Happy reading!

    2. You too! I'm trying to save the graphic novels for when my eyes start to hurt in the wee hours, but it's a real struggle. :)

    3. Homemade fudge Popsicles! Sounds amazing.

    4. I just unmolded my first one! They're DELICIOUS and were relatively simple to make!

    5. Short books/stories/comics are key. And oh man, Maus... it's SO GOOD, but that is some heavy stuff so I hope you have happier things in your stack as well.

    6. You perfect angel. Can we have another readathon next weekend? And the weekend after that? ok cool.

    7. I definitely agree with the short book thing. I need to watch those page numbers better next time. Yes Please was good, but too long for this event. You did much better than I did on the staying awake front. I really need to work on 20 min naps during the day instead of just collapsing in the late hours.

    8. Thought I'd stop by because I had more thoughts on Persepolis. How was "Ashes in My Mouth..." aside from family dysfunction? Like a Norwegian Augusten Burroughs? If he can beat Burroughs-level dysfunction, then we'll all need group therapy afterwards.

      As for Persepolis, how'd you like it? It's such an awesome perspective--Satrapi and her family aren't incredibly wealthy or white, yet they're not quite poor either. They're in such a weird spot, and I could definitely look at it with post-colonial lit theory in mind. Maybe that'll be a long-winded post I'll do in the future.

      While I was reading Persepolis, I kept thinking about a Professor I worked with that was from Iran. He's actually from Illinois, but his father was Iranian, so I can only imagine what kinds of stories his father has. He actually visits Iran regularly, but he published a collection of poems in 2007 titled "Dear Regime," and he figured, "Bah...they don't know me, I'm not famous--I'll just use my real name." Turns out they did catch wind of the collection, and they weren't too happy with him when he visited. Nothing crazy, but it made him realize that he should be a bit more careful.

      Anyway, yeah--that kept jumping into my brain.

      Looks like you did pretty great! Thanks for the encouragement early on despite my disappointment with my own progress.

    9. I did! I actually didn't end up starting Maus until the day after, but you're right about its heaviness.

    10. I know. Is this even a real question? ;-)

      I LOVED Persepolis! I hope you do too.

    11. It really is tough! I find myself reaching for my phone/laptop when I should be reading. Still, i think it really amps up the social aspect of the event, and I think I can get the hang of it, with a little better time management. :)

      How did you end up doing on the reading??

    12. Haha, I definitely ended up passing out around 2 AM! I knew I had to get to work early on Monday and didn't want to wreck my sleep schedule TOO badly.

      It's amazing how readathon makes any book over 250 pages seem to drag! I'm sorry that Yes, Please didn't work out for you.

    13. That's quite the story about your professor. It's amazing how little these types of things enter into the American mindset—in general, we can do and say what we want with relatively little backlash—and yet they really are capable of destroying lives.

      I really enjoyed Persepolis! I'm hoping to get a post up about it soon, when I have time to let my thoughts gel a bit more. I was telling someone else that, even beyond the unique historical/social perspective, Marjane herself is just such an engaging character. I loved watching her grow.

      And of course! Readathon is all about encouragement. Sorry to hear you didn't end up getting as much reading done as you'd like, but there's always October to give it another shot.

    14. About 200 pages, across an assortment of books. Didn't actually finish any book, though!

    15. Ah, that's still so much reading! :D Awesome job.


