It's Monday, March 28! What Are You Reading?

March 28, 2016

Happy Monday, book buddies! I hope you all had lovely weekends, whether or not you partook in any Easter festivities. Hopefully you weren't bum-rushing any egg hunts.

On Wednesday, I take off for Seattle for my last graduate school visit before I make my final decision about where to attend. I've got a gut feeling that I'm going to love University of Washington's program and may just be calling myself a Seattleite come fall, but only time will tell. One thing's for sure: I'm excited to be done with the whirlwind cross-country travel. My body is, too; after my last red-eye home from Berkeley, I was a sickly mess for almost a week. Yay for another red-eye on Thursday night!

Anyway, you aren't here for travel grumbling. You're here for the books!

Last week, I finished and adored the audio of The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin. I wrote a super gushy review, but I also urge you to read Foz Meadows's thoughtful take on how Jemisin treated her queer characters (after you read the book, if you plan to; it's super spoiler-filled). I stand by my hearty recommendation of the novel and the audio version, but Meadows's points helped me to think more critically about a trope I missed the first time around.

This week, I hope to finish up the last of Jonathan Kozol's The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America. I should have some non-fiction reviewlettes coming your way soon, but I think I want to finish Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman first. I started it over the weekend and have already flown through 20% of the audio. The way Silberman interweaves the stories of families with children on the spectrum with the history of autism's classification and treatment has me completely hooked.

How is your week shaping up so far?

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