A few Tuesday memes, #7

February 17, 2015

Is anyone else in the northern hemisphere battling off some winter doldrums right about now?

New England has been getting slammed with snow and below-freezing temperatures since the start of February. Although my little slice of Connecticut hasn't gotten the worst of it (*waves to Amanda*), I'm still having serious trouble dragging myself out of bed in the morning and feeling energized once I do. See: this GIF. A minor cold last week wasn't helping matters, and I spent the better part of Wednesday dozing in a blanket cocoon on my couch. Thankfully, my mood is a lot sunnier than the weather has been, and I'm hoping I can keep it that way.

On that note, how about some meme fun? Only one this week, so this should more appropriately be titled, "A single Tuesday meme, #1."

This week's Top Ten Tuesday (by The Broke and Bookish) is all about ten book-related problems I have, serious or otherwise. Thankfully, very few of these are real issues.

1. Checking out more library books than I can read. You know how some people are impulse buyers? I'm an impulse checker-outer. I've been known to go to the library and grab five books only to return the next day for four more. Can I really read nine books in three week's time? Nope. This has only gotten worse since I got my Kindle and discovered Overdrive.

2. Reading too quickly. I've always had a problem with wanting to speed through my books, which has only been exacerbated by my Kindle. Amanda (who's rather popular on my blog today) wrote recently about how reading a book quickly is a surefire way for her to not remember it very well. Samesies.

3. Reading too slowly. In contrast, I can sometimes linger over sentences or passages for way too long, resulting in me losing the thread of what I'm reading. Sometimes it's better to just power through the denser sections.

4. Not doing enough besides reading. This isn't always a problem, because, seriously, what beats curling up with a book? Still, I have a lot of other interests—cooking, baking, exercising, seeing friends, and exploring my community—and there are times when I know I'd be better served by getting off my couch and going outside (or, at least, doing something not involving the couch). And, hey, if I get outside, I can always try to find a new bookstore. ;)

5. Destroying my (and other people's) books. I'm the girl who dropped multiple books in the tub (and, occasionally, the toilet) growing up. While I've since learned not to tempt fate in the bathroom, I'm still awful at taking care of my books (broken spines and bent corners galore), and I feel extremely self-conscious whenever someone lends me one to read. I have actually forewarned some people that they shouldn't trust me with their books.

6. Getting too caught up in heavier reads. Those of you who've been reading for a while know I'm a fan of heavy, serious books, and it can take a lot for me to set those aside and go for something lighter. This is one reading habit I really want to change.

7. Not knowing when to quit a bad book. Um, yeah. Yet another thing I don't know how to do, and one that's made for quite a few wasted hours.

8. How to balance ARCs with backlist books. Joining NetGalley and, as of yesterday, Edelweiss (thanks, Julianne!) has me all aflutter over upcoming titles. It can be tough to balance the urge to request all the things with my already-gargantuan TBR pile of older books.

9. Getting more and more behind in my blog feed. The bloggers I follow post so much wonderful content so frequently, and I hate that I can't keep up! Add this to the ever-growing list of Things Shaina Worries About RE: Blogging, along with posting enough, reviewing enough, replying to comments, etc.

10. Not knowing what to read next. This can be a pain, but it also points to something wonderful: the abundance of fantastic books out there waiting to be read!

What are your bookish problems? Link me up!

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  1. The stress about an ever growing feed list is something I struggle with as well! And also the balancing of other interests. Audiobooks helps with this a little bit--except when I have to use my ears for my kids. Other than seeing friends, you could likely listen to books during those other activities as well!

    Oh yes--totally forgot to add choosing a next read to my list. That's definitely a problem I have!

    1. I've never given audiobooks a try, and I really should! They'd be especially awesome when I'm chugging away on the elliptical, I think.

  2. One of my problems is the oppositely one of yours. I avoid heavier books even if they are recommended by someone who knows my reading habits. I need to branch upward more often. More snow today, yeah?

    1. More snow always, ugh. I'm hoping we get a break soon.

      Sounds like we ought to take pages out of each other's books. Why do you avoid them, do you think?

  3. Not knowing when to quit a bad book is a problem for me too. In fact, many times if it is a book I've purchased verses one given to me as a gift or a free download from Amazon, I don't DNF it if it's bad and maybe I should DNF the book!!

    Here's a link to my TTT for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/02/top-ten-tuesday-ten-book-related.html

    1. Right?? It just feels like you've made an investment and need to stick it out, but we all need to learn from the economists and accept our sunk costs.

      Thanks for the visit!

  4. I am in the northern hemisphere, but down here in northern Alabama, has escaped the dreadful snow accumulation and related problems. Cold though and more cold expected, single digits.

    Too many library books at once! I swear that the other day the two librarians were having a contest to see which one could tempt me into the most books they suggested.

    1. Hahaha, that sounds like a fun problem to have!

      I hope things warm up for you soon! What a wacky winter we're having.

  5. Oh definitely #8 and #9! I've pretty much given on up my backlist at least for awhile. I'm doing a TBR challenge next month that I'm hoping will help but still. I can pretty much relate to all of these except maybe the more serious books. I'm a wimp when it comes to subject matter!

    1. Ack, I hope it does! I couldn't imagine giving up my TBR mountain. :(

  6. I READ really fast too so I have a problem with buying more and more books.

    1. At least you'll never run out of things to read! :)

      Thanks for the visit!

  7. I didn't post on this one because I have no bookish problems. I have more books than I'll ever read, but I don't see that as a problem, and that's about it. :) Course books are going to take a back seat right now to gaming. Too bad I can't listen to a book and play a game at the same time, but that would totally have me not understanding either thing. :D

    We got snow dumped on us, FINALLY. I love it. :) I don't love that my Hubby has to walk to work in it, but thankfully His co-workers are good about giving Him rides when it's this bad out. Since I'm stuck in the house, I love looking out at it, it's so pretty!! We're slated for more today. Can't wait! :D

    1. Lucky duck, not having book troubles! Not even fun, tongue-in-cheek ones? :)

      Ah, enjoy your snow as much as you can! When it's a rarity, I totally get being excited about it. Here... not so much. It becomes dirty, crunchy crud way too fast.

  8. This winter really, really has been crazy!

    I'm a library impulser too. The only reason this hasn't been a problem lately is I don't go to the library. Seriously. This whole driving on snow thing freaks me out, and I've just decided not to get in the car for the next few months. So far, that's working. My husband and kids go once a week, and i have them pick up my holds.

    I think most of us bloggers can sympathize with getting behind on their blog roll!

    1. That sounds like a super effective way to cut down on the library pile! I have to exercise more self-control, since both the libraries I frequent are within walking distance from work.

      Seriously, people - stop posting so much great content! (But don't actually. Please.)

      I hope you guys get a break from the snowpocalypse soon!

  9. I'm so with you on 6 and 7. One of my goals for this year is to DNF books a little more often and it's been nice to let go, but I still have a hard time. And I'm totally a sucker for dark, heavy books...I need to lighten things up a bit more!

    1. Yes, same! I gravitate toward heavy/sad topics and often end up missing fantastic, lighter books in the process. And life is just too short to not DNF the less-than-engaging!

  10. I'm really really bad about checking out too many books. I've checked out Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro at least 20 times and I still haven't gotten to reading it. And I get so distracted by new books! It's a problem.

    1. YES. Sometimes I'm amazed that I finish the books that I do without abandoning them for other stuff.


