A Decidedly Unbookish Trip to Philadelphia

March 22, 2015

This is my super serious academic face and 1/4 of my poster.
I'm back, baby!

If you haven't checked in recently, I spent the latter half of my week at an academic conference on child development where I got to present some of my lab's recent research. This was my first time attending a conference, not to mention my first time presenting a poster, and it was equal parts awesome and exhausting. I attended sessions about social identity and academic achievement, how to re-assess the data from the Head Start Impact Study, and how housing status and neighborhood composition affect childhood health. Needless to say, I got my justice-oriented social scientist nerding on.

The number of poster sessions and symposia was astounding (this was a particularly big conference, clocking in at 30,000 people attending over three days), and after a while my brain stopped absorbing new information and my inner introvert was clamoring for some peace and quiet. I ended up bailing on the last day of presentations, preferring to spend it in the city doing some solo exploring.

Source: Wikipedia
Of all the things I saw—including Benjamin Franklin's snow-covered grave, the charming Elfreth's Alley, and the Liberty Bell from a distance—my favorite was undoubtedly the Reading Terminal Market. Before you ask, no, there isn't much reading material here (there supposedly is a small bookstore, but I couldn't find it in all the hubbub). It's an enormous, extremely Amish indoor marketplace that slings every type of prepared food and other edible good you can possibly imagine. No, really, look. I had to exercise significant self-control to not give myself a stomach ache, though this ice cream and these doughnuts sorely tempted me. The market also introduced me to the most delicious fudge ever. My boyfriend can vouch for me here.

Some other trip highlights:

The Race Street Pier at night.
Finding a MOON TREE.
Meeting this little sweetie at a local animal shelter.
How were YOUR weeks?

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  1. That sounds like a great little trip, bookish or not! :)

  2. I'm always so fried by the last day of a conference. I have one coming up in April, and I'm already bracing myself. That market looks AMAZING and overwhelming all at the same time.

  3. Everyone told me I'd be beat, but I had no idea how right they were until yesterday!

    And yes, it was. I visited twice, and the second time it was SO much busier. I could hardly move around!

    Also, totally rocking Colour Pop's "Frenchie" in my poster photo. :)

  4. It really was! It was great to have an opportunity to explore a new city. :)

  5. I still can't believe I haven't been to Philly - just quickly gone through on the train. The market does look amazing! Glad you were able to squeeze in a little sightseeing.

    We definitely need to have some nerdtalk soon. I found out there's some serious funding available if I decide to sell my soul for four years. I just...the commitment.

  6. I was, too! I was just so done with the crowds and feeling like I had to be "on" by the last day.

    !!!!! DMing you.

  7. Your serious academic face is adorable. But serious. (One can be both, no?) 30,000 people! That's one big conference.

  8. YAY, Frenchie! I'm wearing "Frida" today with a nice gloss over it. So pretty!

  9. That sounds like really interesting not to mention useful research. Glad you were able to combine some pleasure with the work trip! Love the pic :)

  10. YAY! I'm so glad you like it. I'll always have you to thank for persuading me to put in a Colour Pop order. I'm such a lipstick nerd these days. :)

  11. One can definitely be both. ;) And thanks!

    And YES, it was so huge. I slept for 11 hours the night after I arrived home. Clearly my body needed to recuperate.

  12. Thank you! :)

    It was really great to go to such a multi-disciplinary conference... everyone did kid work, but from different angles (psych, sociology, public health, education, etc). I'm still trying to figure out what I'd like to do with my career, so getting a taste of all these fields was great.

    And, yes, getting in a little bit of walking and munching didn't hurt. ;)

  13. So cute that we had simultaneous trips/hiatuses <3 Proud of your nerding. Glad you liked Philadelphia!

  14. Sounds like a fun conference! Congrats on your paper and thanks for sharing some photos from your trip.

  15. Amanda @ The Zen LeafApril 1, 2015 at 7:23 AM

    After a week of vacation, I'm trying to catch up on my feed reader. I'm late, but welcome back!

  16. Thank you so much! It was a really good time, if not a bit stressful. :)


