The Twelve Books of Christmas (or #12forXmas): Week Three Check-In

December 20, 2015

Happy Sunday, my holly, jolly readers!

I'm posting early this week because, starting tomorrow evening, I'll be firmly ensconced in the land of no Internet or cell service, AKA my boyfriend's mother's house in Oregon. I can't wait to get festive without any emails or other notifications to distract me! Well, except maybe for new visitors in Neko Atsume...

My boyfriend's mom is a big reader herself, so I know I'll be spending plenty of time with my nose buried in my books. Good thing, too, because I haven't finished a single book since my last check-in. My stress levels have been running higher than usual lately, making it difficult to settle down and read without getting distracted. Hopefully a roaring fire, cuddly kitties, and a never-ending supply of chocolate will help calm my spirits and get me back into my reading groove.

In addition to Owen Meany (just 7.5 hours left!), I'll be bringing along plenty of reading material. I'm stashing How to Live?, Sarah Bakewell's lighthearted biography of Michel de Montaigne, and The Humans by Matt Haig in my carry-on. Shannon pushed the latter on me when I put out a call for "happy but good books" on Twitter, and Stefani wasn't shy about seconding the recommendation. I didn't put up a fight—it was my first opportunity to go to my beloved library since agreeing to #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks. I'll also bring my Kindle and three other Audible options (The Shining by Stephen King, The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, and The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin), so I'll be able to mood read and listen at my leisure.

I'll be back home before the new year. Until then, happy holidays and happy reading!

As always, feel free to link up below with your Week 3 check-in!

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