The Twelve Books of Christmas: ... And We're Off!

December 01, 2015

Happy December! It's time to get down to some serious reading.

Naturally, I start off the month with about 50 pages left in a book I intended to finish last night. D'oh. I won't be counting it toward my 12, but if you have 100 or more pages left in a book you still need to finish, feel free to count it toward your total! I might have nutty reading goals, but let it not be said that I'm unreasonable.

I mentioned the other day that I'm combining this challenge with Andi's #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks resolution. Here are a few books I own that could be just the reads to kick off my month-long binge:

Tell me: which book is kicking off your Twelve Books of Christmas?

P.S. #12BooksOfChristmas is a long hashtag, and another event is already using it. We'll be using #12ForXmas instead! Tell yo friends.

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