It's Monday, October 3! What Are You Reading?

October 03, 2016

Hi, everyone!

To exactly no one's surprise, I've been devoured by my graduate program, and things are pretty great down here in its belly. Today marks the start of my second week, and I've already learned more about the social determinants of health and the American government's role in public health than I ever thought possible. Self-directed learning is the best, y'all.


Naturally, this does not leave much time for leisure reading, but I did manage to squeeze in the first episode of the first season of Tremontaine, a serialized fantasy novel by a whole troupe of talented authors. It's got intrigue, sword-fighting, scholarship and the promise of lots of queer naughty times to come. Memory pushed it like no other on her blog and on Twitter, and since the first episode is free for Kindle, I gave it a shot. Big mistake. Now I'm going to have to shell out actual money for the rest of the season, and your girl's unemployed. Memory suggested that I buy the episodes individually as a treat to myself every now and again. At $2 each, that seems perfectly reasonable to me.

The latest round of the Social Justice Book Club kicks off today, and I'm actually going to try to participate this time, not least because I may have committed myself to hosting an SJBC Twitter chat with Janani. Gulp. In October, the club will be reading Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward, which has been on my TBR and Kindle for far too long. Come join in the fun and keep me honest with the reading schedule!

What are y'all reading this week?

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