It's Monday, February 1! What Are You Reading?

February 01, 2016

Happy Monday, all! There might only be an hour and half till Tuesday, but better late than never.

January was an excellent month for reading. I say this even though I didn't love everything and, in some cases, had big bones to pick with what I read. Still, I got in a stunning debut and quite a bit of nonfiction, including the unparalleled Tiny Beautiful Things. Out of my six books read, five of them qualified for #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks and two of them for #CleanYourReader. All told, I'm getting off to a great start on my goals for 2016.

I have high hopes moving into February, considering my current stack. A Clash of Kings and Hamilton are still going strong, and I've finally rounded the halfway point of the latter! (Those last eighteen hours are going to fly by, I can feel it.) I'm continuing to ride the nonfiction wave with Cynthia Barnett's beautifully-written Rain: A Natural and Cultural History and Sarah Schulman's searing memoir, The Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a Lost Imagination. Finally, I've just started Mr. Splitfoot as a buddy read with Julianne. I feel like I don't quite have my footing with it yet, but I'm excited to see where it goes, especially with the queen of weird by my side. (And thank you again to Emily for hosting the giveaway that got this weirdo book into my hands in the first place.)

Time to pack some pages into the shortest month of the year!

Happy Monday and happy February! How are you starting off your bookish month?

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