It's Monday, May 23! What Are You Reading?

May 23, 2016

Happy Monday, everyone!

I spent the last week of my life with a severe case of the gobbledybooks. I spent my work hours daydreaming about being in my apartment with my book piles, and then I got home and probably played Candy Crush instead. I also had trouble sinking into anything over the weekend. If anyone can give me tips on how to stop sabotaging myself like this, my TBR pile and I will thank you.

When I have been picking up my books, I've been hopping around with a vengeance. I finished A Wild Swan: And Other Tales by Michael Cunningham (a library grab based purely on tiny size and promised dark whimsy), The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater (sob) and Things That Can and Cannot Be Said by John Cusack and Arundhati Roy (an unexpected BEA find that greased up the ol' brain cogs about war, democracy, and—most interesting to me—how funding and radical politics don't play nicely).

In case that wasn't a long enough book list, here are a few more I'm currently in the middle of: Here Comes the Sun by Nicole Dennis-Benn (which I raved about over the weekend), Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor (a post-nuclear-Holocaust Africa featuring a fierce female shapeshifter on a journey—waiting for this to pick up, but I'm still enjoying the ride) and The Midnight Assassin by Skip Hollandsworth (because Lauren loved it and I didn't fully scratch my true crime itch earlier this month).

Gobble. Dy. Books. Talk to your kids about it, because this business is real.

What are YOU reading on this fine Monday?

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