It's Monday, September 19! What Are You Reading?

September 19, 2016

It's finally arrived, guys: orientation week! My first official event is on Thursday, and it's only going to get busier from here on out.

I met some of my cohort yesterday at a picnic in an awesome local park. It used to be the site of Seattle's gas plant, and some of the original structures remain.

The rest of my weekend included a Daft Punk laser light show with friends, delicious ube ice cream in a still-warm waffle cone, and lots of time for crossing fun and productive things off my to-do list.

Reading was (and is) definitely on that list. I've just about rounded the halfway mark of FEED, the first in Mira Grant's Newsflesh trilogy. I originally assumed this was "just another zombie book," but it's more of a political journalist thriller with the undead wreaking havoc in the background. Goodreads has been recommending this book to me since 2012, and now I know why. It rocks.

On Friday, I picked up Catching Homelessness: A Nurse's Story of Falling Through the Safety Net by Josephine Ensign. It's the book of the year at UW's School of Public Health, and I hope to get through it before Thursday. It's slim, but I know the stories and information it packs in will be heavy, personal and extremely important.

Also also, I joined Litsy as a beta tester for their Android app! Add me @shainareads. I recently updated my phone and lost the ability to post pictures myself, but I'm loving scrolling through my feed to see what everyone else is reading.

What does your week in reading look like?

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