It's Monday, September 7! What Are You Reading?

September 07, 2015

Happy Labor Day to my friends in the States! I hope you've gotten your fill of sunshine, barbecue and books over the long holiday weekend. My Monday off included GRE math prep (gross) and some of the last summer beer of the season (definitely not gross).

I don't want to speak too soon, but I think I've busted my infernal reading slump. Over the weekend, I gobbled up Koji Suzuki's Ring (yes, that Ring), successfully completing my first book for RIP X and scoring myself a Books on the Nightstand BINGO with its 1991 publication date. (Thank you again to everyone who suggested awesome reads for my bingo squares last week! I ended up completely ignoring them in favor of Ring, but you've added a bunch of footnote-y, early '90s books to my TBR. A lady couldn't ask for better friends.)

After a great first listening experience, I'm already making good headway into my second audio book: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey, narrated by Tom Parker. So far, Parker is nailing the ominous atmosphere and juggling the large cast of characters like a pro. With just three-ish hours left, I can't wait to see how the story wraps up. I've also taken a chunk out of Atwood's The Heart Goes Last, due out September 29, and plan to finish it soon before diving into a late approval from NetGalley, Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho.

I was hoping to avoid a hiatus, but the graduate school application stress is kicking in in earnest, and things might get a little quieter around my neck of the blogging woods. I still aim to post a couple of times a week and fully intend to keep reading/commenting, but, from now until early December, I'll be doing whatever I can to keep my head on straight. If I vanish for a bit, I hope you won't forget about me!

What bookish goodies are you diving into this week? Read anything stellar over the weekend?

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