Shaina Takes A (Hopefully Brief) Break

November 10, 2015

Happy Tuesday, all!

After the GRE madness passed, I hoped that I'd be able to jump right back into blogging with a vengeance. Unfortunately, as my paltry posting schedule has shown, this has not been the case. I've hit an all-time low with my blog visiting and commenting, too.

I feel guilty, and I know this guilt is making my life harder than it needs to be right now. It's time for a break.

My graduate school deadlines are looming, and I want to be able to devote my energy to making my applications the best they can be. This will also leave me free to follow and comment on your posts without the constant nagging reminder of how long it's been since I last wrote anything. I can simply enjoy the community—after all, it's what I love most about book blogging.

I can't say exactly when I plan to be back, but I have high hopes that, once my applications are in, life will feel much less overwhelming.

See you guys soon!

P.S. Have no fear—I definitely will still be hosting The Twelve Books of Christmas, and I hope you'll be joining in! If you haven't signed up, what are you waiting for?!

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