#24in48: Happy Post-Graduate School Application Season to Me!

January 15, 2016

Y'all, I think there's a readathon fairy that just knows. Dewey's came around the Saturday after I took the GRE, and now 24in48 is happening the weekend after I submitted my very last grad school application. I couldn't be a luckier, more relieved gal because—in case you missed that—I'M DONE.

And that means it's time for some books!

I'm not putting any pressure on myself this weekend. Though the point of the 'thon is to try to get in 24 hours of reading in a 48-hour period, I just want to devote myself to my books at my leisure. Here are some potential options:

I'm also hoping to get some blog posts written while I'm at it, but we'll see! What will be will be. One thing is for certain: I'll be tweeting up a storm.

Will you come read all weekend with me?

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