Thrifty Thursdays: The Christmas Edition

January 20, 2016

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Happy Thursday, everyone! It's time for Thrifty Thursdays, a weekly book meme dreamed up by Sal over at Motion Sick Lit (back in action!).

Thrifty Thursdays is designed to get book bloggers hunting for new and/or interesting reads on the cheap. Scoping out your favorite independent bookseller is especially encouraged.

Sal's rules for the feature are as follows:

1. Each week’s link-up will be posted on Thursday. 
2. Post or talk about a book you found used (preferably in a book store or thrift shop). 
3. The book must cost less than $5. 
4. Be sure to return for the link-up! Weird or strange books are preferred.

My boyfriend's mom is as big of a bookworm as I am, and Christmas at her house was an embarrassment of bookish riches this year. Because I got these books as gifts, that means I spent exactly $0 to get them! Free is as thrifty as it gets.

Let's break down the bounty, shall we?

Americanah, by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This was a proper Christmas gift (as in, it was under the tree and everything, rather than casually handed to me). I tried Americanah once last year, but it didn't quite click. I've been meaning to try it again, so what better motivation than having my own copy? (Well, maybe not, hence why I joined #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks... but it's never too late to turn over a new leaf!) I've loved the other Adichie I've read, and I'm excited to make time for this one.

Lilith's Brood, by Octavia E. Butler

I asked my boyfriend's mom to give me a book that she loved and I hadn't read before, and this is what she came up with. An omnibus by a feminist woman of color who's also a science fiction icon? And there are aliens involved?! I joined up with the right family.

The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Another book I tried at one point but had to put down due to bad timing. My boyfriend's mom said this one wasn't her favorite because it was darker than what she wanted to read at the time. Fair enough. Thankfully, dark and I get along pretty well, and I remember liking what I read the first time around. I mean, it's about a secret library/society nestled in mid-twentieth century Barcelona. Do you really need more than that?

Wolf Hall, by Hilary Mantel

Mmm, tasty, tasty historical fiction about Thomas Cromwell and Henry VIII. My boyfriend's mom didn't love it. (I asked her if she was just trying to get all of the books she doesn't like out of her house, but she denied it. The jury's still out.) I started it over the holidays and really enjoyed the first few chapters, but I want to wait until I finish up my other big history project (oh hey, #HamAlong) before digging in for real.

Have you gotten any good books on the cheap lately? Tell me all your thrifty tales.

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