My Month in Reading (and More): So Long, May!

June 01, 2015

Another month, another wrap-up post!

May has been pretty fantastic in reading, blogging and other life events. While April brought exhaustion and some bookish ambivalence, May brought rejuvenation (well, minus that stupid cold) and fantastic reads across the board.

This was exactly the kind of month I needed before things get crazy at work. I'm planning and supervising a two-month summer internship program for six undergraduates and recent graduates, which will mean busier days, more weekend work and a constantly-frazzled Shaina. This is my second go at running the internship, and I feel much more prepared for things this time around. I know I'll be reading to de-stress, but I hope I find the time to keep blogging, too!

Anyway, back to May:

I read/reviewed:

On the blog:

In life:

In June:

How was YOUR May? Tell me all about it!

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  1. Sounds like you had a great month! I'm SO excited for the All the Birds chat at TSS, and can't wait to hash things out with you! I also bought Tell the Wolves I'm Home from a used bookstore on your recommendation, so here's to hoping I can get to it soon! I'm hoping to focus on reading a lot of backlist stuff in June, so it's certainly a contender!

  2. Great May! I think I need to read All the Birds, Singing....hearing so many good things about it, but don't think I'll get to it in time for TSS discussion :(

  3. How did I miss you reading The Forever War?? I want to get on that shit so badly.

  4. The Shore was a popular one in the feeds last month. I actually added it to my TBR thanks to you and a few others. I'm glad you and Julianne had such a great time. I kind of enjoy living vicariously through other bloggers.

  5. Ooh, I haven't heard of Chasing the Scream, but it sounds really interesting! I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying The Only Woman in the Room! The rep at BEA said she'd send me a copy, but we'll see if that happens :P

  6. Hi, I just wanted to say I just discovered your blog and am really enjoying it! I'm currently reading Headstrong, so I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  7. Hehe, will the gloves come off? ;) Kidding. I'm really excited to see what everyone thought of All the Birds, too!

    Oh, YAY! I hope you adore Tell the Wolves. Be prepared to get kicked right in the feels.

    Best of luck with your backlist reading. :)

  8. Aww, bummer! I hope you do get to it at some point, because it's such a gem of a novel.

  9. I don't know! I feel like I messaged you about getting it for one of my #readathon mini-challenge prizes??

    Anyway, it was good, but I feel utterly unprepared to review it because 1. I almost never read war stories, and 2. I know next to nothing about Vietnam. I plan to dive into some serious Wikipedia reading before even trying.

  10. I'm glad we persuaded you to check out The Shore! All in a day's work as a book blogger. :)

    And oh, me too! I'm usually all green with envy/excited as heck when I see other bloggers are meeting up and hanging out, and I feel so lucky to have gotten a chance to do so with Julianne!

  11. I'm actually finally settling down to write my Chasing the Scream review this morning (because the book is finally due back at the library tomorrow—no more renewals, no more procrastinating!).

    I am enjoying The Only Woman, though I have to say that the blurb led me astray... this is much more of a memoir than a look at the question of why there are so few women in STEM (unless things change dramatically in the second half of the book). I'm going to reserve my judgment until I get to the end, though.

  12. Oh, yay! Nice to (virtually) meet you and thanks for stopping by. :)

    SO happy to hear you're reading Headstrong—it was such an enjoyable romp through women's history.


